Football Manager Handheld 2014 v5.0.3 Apk + Data
Football Manager Handheld 2014 is the best-selling and most realistic football management game available for mobile and tablet devices.
Size: 30 Mb | Android: 2.2 and up
The game allows you to live out the ultimate dream of managing your favourite club – you make the big decisions, you decide on transfers, tactics and substitutions as you follow the match live with the acclaimed match engine. Can you keep the fans, board and media happy and lead your team to glory?
Install apk.
Extract and copy fmh2014_data map into /sdcard/Android/obb/ COPY HERE
It should look like this /sdcard/Android/obb/fmh2014_data
Launch the game.
Descargar APK+OBB+Data Archivo TecnologÃa Para Android Aqui
v5.0.2 Download full version Apk file: HERE
Descargar APK+OBB+Data Archivo TecnologÃa Para Android Aqui
v5.0.2 DATA Obb File from Torrent: HERE
Descargar APK+OBB+Data Archivo TecnologÃa Para Android Aqui
Google Play
Descargar APK+OBB+Data Archivo TecnologÃa Para Android Aqui
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